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tv   Martin Bashir  MSNBC  July 11, 2012 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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if you want a president that will make things better in the a much can't american community, you are looking at him. you take a look. >> mitt romney speaks to the naacp and really hears it. >> i'm going to eliminate every non-essential expensive program i can find and that includes obamacare. i will work to reform -- [ booing ] >> nice try, mr. romney. good luck. >> thank you so much. and god bless every one of you. thank you. thank you. >> a very busy news. braining news, republican house of representatives moments ago voting to repeal the affordable care act. the 33rd time they have held such a vote to smack down their nemesis known as obamacare. there we are. live pictures.
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that loaded label came up in the other big event of the day, mitt romney going deep in the heart of texas and making his case that he would serve the african-american community better than the current occupant of the white house. yes. romney made a move for the black vote at the annual con freps conference of the naacp. putting on a game face of friday night lights and trying to pry away support from the man that's 2 most visible sign of the success of that very organization. the president himself. and take a look. they did. a double take by the sounds of it when mr. romney offered up his plan to repeal the president's signature health care law. >> i'm going to eliminate every non-essential expensive program i can find. that includes obamacare and i'm going to work to reform and save -- [ booing ] >> don't worry if romney looked
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stunned there. he carried on bravely trotting out his favorite chamber of commerce study reassuring the naacp audience with a bogus survey by a lobbyist group. i'm sure they felt much better after that. while governor romney was enjoying a cheer down in texas, house speaker john boehner was bringing his former swagger to the house floor. aiming to bring down the affordable care act with yet another pointless house vote and igniting the usual fireworks. >> this law continues to mack our economy worse and there is even more resolve to see it is fully repeal. >> welcome to groundhog day. >> they are voting for wealth care for the most profitable industries in the history of the united states of america. >> what a valentine to the health insurance industry. >> obamacare also has disastrous implications for the moral fabric of our nation. >> welcome to groundhog day.
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>> and here's the good news. the voters get the last word in november. stay tuned. >> we will stay tuned, indeed. joining us now here in new york is msnbc contributor jonathan capehea capeheart. clarence page of "the chicago tribune." jonathan writes for "the washington post." good day to both of you. have to ask you both this question. i want to start with you, john, was mitt romney really addressing the audience that he was in front of or was he speaking to some other people in that speech? because -- the speech itself was a stump speech that i have heard when he's been in new hampshire, when he has been in wisconsin. interest didn't seem any different. who was he really speaking to? >> he was sfeg to both audiences and in his stump speech is void of any specifics which has, you know, democrats and republicans on and the like scratching their heads and begging for more. but -- in all speeches there are multiple audiences. on the one hand he's saying to african-americans you are just like everyone else i talk to. you are a part of the united
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states. here's my overall message. >> thank you for reminding us of that. excellent. >> but the other audience is still his core constituency. his base. his being booed by saying he will repeal obamacare, i think that will be to his been pit and shows his constituency shows one, he is not afraid to say obamacare to the audience that's the most loyal constituency to -- to president obama and that he then took in the boos and went off script and add libbed this study that you called bogus shows he -- let me reiterate what you said at the top of the segment. shows he is -- he's not afraid of -- not afraid of a fight. so he's doing -- he is doing multiple things. i think tactically speaking, politically speaking, not so bad. >> clarence, what do you think that mitt romney actually welcomed the booing in some ways? maybe it kind of was helpful to him because if -- he's going off to montana and then he's going
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to see dick cheney in wyoming. he can go there and wave this one and say look, boys, i got booed at the naacp. >> martin, how can you have such a cynical notion as to think that mitt romney might find some value in a situation like this? seriously. i was wondering the same thing. i don't know the -- i don't mean mitt romney wants to be portrayed as a man black people don't like. when you look at the speech, indeed it was the same talking points he normally gives when campaigning to his base. but also, the same words, i mean, when you talk about obamacare, to say obamacare to the naacp, is like praising cheeseburgers to a convention of vegans. this organization has been very much -- in favor of obamacare for a variety of reasons and for him to use that term, of course, everybody knows it started out as republican code.
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he never says romneycare. he's very happy to say obamacare. loaded like he -- he was talking to a group of tea party folks. i don't think he was really surprised by the booing. and -- certainly he scores points either way with middle of the road folks important just the fact he showed up. but had's making the outreach. george w. bush did it as a candidate but then went several years without showing up at the naacp as president. >> yes, he did. i remember. he went in 2000 and never appeared again. >> yeah. i think -- i at tend he may have appeared at the naacp group. yeah, you are right. basically, though, a lot of antipathy built up over the years because of that. romney is making the outreach. he gets points for that. he also is running against the first black president. and so the fact he shows up as important. he made good points. i thought the idea of school choice is a great issue to go
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after the black vote with because democrats are tied to the futures union, opposed to anything involved in choice. rank and file, black folks like it. the problem was, you know, once again, he had the words but not the music. i think -- you know. in that way he -- he didn't win a lot of black votes today. >> part of romney's problem is, one, he's mitt romney. also, he's the presumptive nominee of a party that by generally speaking has either ignored african-americans or scapegoated african-americans for a lot of the harms and ills face thing country. so there he goes to this audience and i'm sure he wasn't expecting, you know a warm embrace. but at the end of his -- despite all of the boos at the end of his speech he got a standing ovation and that's because ultimately it is about respect. and african-americans -- because they have been ignored and scapegoated, any republican nominee, any republican who goes to them and actually asks for
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their vote will then -- proper response and rye response is to -- honor that and -- honor that and that's what they did. >> respectful reaction. there's no doubt about that. i want to you listen to some more of mr. romney today. take a listen to this. >> if you want a president who will make things better in the african-american community, you are looking at him. you take a look. >> clarence, you take a look because i can't. i can't look at that. i can't. >> control yourself now. >> i'm sorry, clarence. i just can't. >> get yourself together. let me play the owed man here and say -- i remember his father, george romney, who was a very, very, very popular governor of michigan. black people loved george romney. wherever he went black folks turned out like he was humphrey
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or something. very popular with black voters. hay knew how to talk with black voters. his son, mitt romney, knows how to talk at black voters. that was the difference today. when he stands up there and says you want somebody to help black people? you are looking at him. yeah, right here. i'm the guy. >> i toad you not to repeat that. >> his father never had to say that. >> the inning thing about -- end of mitt romney's speech, he's talking about all of the touting being accomplishments of his father in the realm of civil rights -- >> supporting the civil rights movement. marching. >> i'm sitting there thinking -- why are we talking about what your father did and not talking about what you have done as a governor of massachusetts and as someone who is seeking to be a senator from massachusetts and as someone who ran for president before. he has no civil rights record to run on. he didn't mention it. i thought it was just weird and odd that he would try to ride on
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his father's coattails when it comes to civil rights but will completely ignore his far's legacy when it comes to financial disclosure and putting out your tax returns. presidential candidates, the only reason why they put forth that your -- actual income tax returns is because george romney in 1967 released welfare years of tax returns because he wanted people to know for sure that the wealth he had was not just a flush fluke as he said, single years trying to get over on people base you cannily is what he was saying. >> jonathan capehart and clarence page, i apologize to both of you for laughing. but that was very difficult to watch. thank you. stay with us. much more ahead. >> and if i am f i'm elected president and you invite me to next year's convention, i will count it as a privilege and my answer will be yes. ♪
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boeing grabbed the headlines in mitt romney's naacp speech today. given that was the only new thing about his remarks. they were the usual throwaway lines about preenterprise and america running on freedom. you could add to his fortune if he buckled that as a homeopathic cure for insomnia. there was a complete lack of detail on how to fix the economy. the problem, as always, is that romney just never connected to his audience. and a disconnect to which even he himself alluded. >> if you understood who i truly am in my heart and if it were possible to fully communicate
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what i believe is in the real enduring best interest of african-american families, you would vote for me for president. >> that's the problem, mr. romney. we don't know what you believe and that's because you repeatedly refuse to tell us. i'm joined now by congressman elijah cummings, democrat of maryland, live with us from the capitol. good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> i want to get to the latest charade on health care in a moment. what was your reaction to hearing mr. mitt romney say that he would be better for african-americans than the current president? >> that's impossible to believe. and martin, i think we are getting an opportunity to see who mr. romney is. he was standing in front of an organization spending over a hundred years trying the make hurt african-americans and minorities have a right to vote. but he's the same candidate running the head of the party doing everything in its power on
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suppress african-americans' rights to vote and hasn't said -- hasn't said absolutely not one syllable and probably defended it. the other thing that he stood up and did -- we get a chance to know who he is he -- talked about doing away with the affordable care act. i can guarantee you that just about everybody in that room either knows of somebody or had somebody in their family who has -- experienced a significant health episode and was harmed because they did not have sufficient health care or they were mistreated from the health care standpoint. that's the last thing you say to somebody who knows of people, who have died as a result of not having proper health care. that says a lot about him. i don't know what he expected. but when you talk about life and death and then you come in and tell people that the -- one of the greatest accomplishments of this president, you are going to take it away, take it away from them? that's a major problem. >> if i might correct you, sir, just on one point, he did not refer to it as the affordable
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care act. he referred to it as a obamacare. however, the house has just voted for the 33rd time to repeal the same health care law. bound for defeat in the senate. i just have one question for you, sir. why must they waste you and your colleagues' time with these pointless exercises? is it not time for us to move on? to implement this law so that people can benefit from it? >> martin, i agree with you. the american people have already said move on. but basically, what they are trying to do is try -- again, doing the same thing that -- accused romney of. they want to do away with any accomplishments of this president. you know what, they had nothing to replace it with. they are going to tell my constituents to give up the opportunity to have their policy until they are 26 years old, give up -- tell my constituents to give up the opportunity to make sure that pre-existing
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conditions is not -- does not preclude them from getting insurance? i could go on and on. the fact is that they have nothing to replace it with. you know what, martin, you know, the people i talked to, many of them in dire straits, if they don't have the affordable care act, they not only get sick but many of them sadly will die. >> yet, in spite of that, sir, we didn't hear a single word from mitt romney as to how he would replace the affordable care act but i guess that's because he's responsible four its prototype in massachusetts. >> yeah, you know, we had -- our committee, we had a senator from massachusetts yesterday to come in and to remind us that it was the romney act that was the child of -- i mean, the father of the national act. and he said that 98% of the folks up there in massachusetts are insured and they are doing fine. by the way, the unemployment rate there is 6%.
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not 8.2%. so it is not harming employment. so i mean, we need to -- we need to get on with it. i have got people in my district and there are people all over the country that immediate what this act brings about. they do not want to give up the things they already have -- already entitled to and need to get on with it. >> congressman elijah cummings, thank you, sir, for joining us on a busy day in the house. we appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> much more ahead. first, what happened to mitt romney's claims the bain created 100,000 jobs. has he forgotten that number? stay with us. >> we started a number of businesses. four in particular. created 120,000 jobs. as of today. >> in the process, we -- we were able to create jobs in our own business. and some of the places that we invested were able to create jobs as well. [ male announcer ] how do you trade? with scottrader streaming quotes,
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moments ago the house voted on lines to repeal the affordable care act. this is no less than the 33rd vote led by speaker john boehner to repeal the president's signature achievement. it is, of course, all but certain to fail in the senate. luke russert joins us from capitol hill. and mike viqueira. the house has done this so many times already. the white house must have a response on file. they bring it out for the 33rd time. is that right? >> well, sort of a pain by numbers quality to it, you might say that, martin. yes. today they whipped out a polysymb polysymbolic word. this is what the american people loathe about politics in washington. sort of the side show. clearly this is something that they did, house republicans. for the same reason frankly mitt romney willfully antagonized the audience in houston today. what supporters -- their
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supporters want them to do after the supreme court ruling. i always considered myself something of a -- why don't we go to you now and tell us how the vote went. >> hang on. luke, luke russert. he is not speaking. no, no. wait. >> i want a turn. >> luke, house republicans are referring to the vote, as you know, as groundhog day. was speaker boehner bringing out the same old issue over and over again? can i ask you this, luke? is speaker boehner so lost in the bubble of washington that he doesn't realize how ludicrous this appears to the rest of the country? 33 times. >> there's -- two schools of thought as to why they went forward with this. number one, a day justice roberts announced the health care bill was, in fact, a tax in their minds, they want to put this through the house floor because they were able to say if you voted against the repeal, you were voting for a tax
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increase. they also want to be -- >> sorry, so our audience will understand. that means instead of being committed to the people of this country who will be covered by this bill, they are actually committed to satisfying the pledge that they made to one for kw norquist? >> politically through november. the other thing here -- the other thing here, though, is that they believe that independents are overwhelmingly against this legislation and want to be the party that republicans equal repeal and that pull -- would then independents would pull us around for that reason. the jury is out. enough of this health care business. the supreme court decided. let's talk about the economy and jobs. that's what a lot of democrats said today. that will be the central argument going forward. i will tell you this, though. they said there is not going to be another health care repeal vote on the schedule any time soon. most likely. >> that's such a disappointment, luke. i was hoping we were going to
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get to 40 by the election. >> not going to happen. >> oh. what a disappointment. nbc's luke russert and mike viqueira at the white house. thank you, gentlemen. next, are sarah palin and mitt romney read prosecuting the same script? [ male announcer ] this is anna, her long day teaching the perfect swing
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the global ready one ? yeah, but you won't need... ♪ hajimemashite. hajimemashite. hajimemashite.
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you guys like football ? thank you so much. i'm stoked. you stoked ? totally. ... and he says, "under the mattress." souse le matelas. ( laughter ) why's the new guy sending me emails from paris ? paris, france ? verizon's 4g lte devices are global-ready. plus, global data for just $25. only from verizon. from "father knows best" to magic mitt. today's top lines, take a look at me now. >> i like rich guy glass business turned out to be far more successful than i ever would have imagined. >> close your eyes and imagine. >> my investments have been held by a blind trust. >> the blind trust, a ruse, if you will. i don't manage them don't know where they are. >> let's see your tax returns. >> his father released welfare years of tax returns. >> made us better by exam. >> many making a lie of the old adage like father like son. >> he does not manage his own
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finances and he doesn't know where his money is. >> he wants you to show your papers but he won't show us his. >> this is the guy to fix the economy. >> you want a president who will make things bitter in the african-american community, you are looking at him. ♪ take a look at me now >> you take a look. ♪ just an empty space >> give me another tax break or give mitt romney another tax break. >> i can't wait for the debates. >> big smile on your face. >> -- to have a chance to go face-to-face. >> i am going to go for a classic. >> very best. >> it is still a pig. >> i'm going to eliminate every nonessential expensive program. that includes obamacare. [ booing ] >> magic mits. ♪ it is raining men >> those walls are often thin, i wonder how the hell my parents did it but that's a different story. >> 30 of us running around the house. >> i know none of you in your families have done the same thing. >> our love really started something, didn't it? ♪ love is in the air >> democratic party which is the
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media. >> like they did four years ago, they chose their -- >> the american people get their information from a larger array of outlets. >> voters that are -- wiser this go-around. >> people find sources they find to be the most reliable. >> good to be with you again. >> let's get right to our panel now. jen vogel joins us live from d.c. from atlanta, goldie taylor of the goldie taylor project. also from washington. very pleased to have social activist marcia dyson. thank you. candidates often say great minds think alike. here we have both sarah palin and mitt romney singing the same old dull, stale, tired song about liberal media conspiracy. in fact, one study from the pew center found that romney is getting better press than the president. but why worry about the facts when a conspiracy is always much more interesting, isn't it? >> well, this has been a long running trope.
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particularly as it pertains to president obama. in fact, it is not just gop politics. we heard a lot from hillary clinton during her battle with obama in 2008 that obama was getting kind of a prepass. and to be sure he was not as well known in 2008. there was some fascination with the story. i think that there was more aggressive coverage and vetting of him than conservatives would like to believe. i always get e-mails when we write about -- write investigative story on a republican. why didn't you look -- >> are you involved -- are you involved in a conspiracy with the democrats? >> certainly not. but i -- would like to say that we did, in fact, look at some of the things the republicans are now pushing very aggressively and including president obama's ties to bill, obama's ties to his -- since convicted and jailed former bunkler tony rasco. what's going on now is an effort to brush off negative stories
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about him by claim there is media bias and the media is out to get them. >> let's skip the conspiracy theories for a moment. because it is all just a distraction from the true story. and you can find that right here on the cover of the business section of "the new york times." yes, the spreading scourge of corporate corruption. the interest rate fixing scandal involving barclays, already led to the downfall of a number of barclays executives. this includes former ceo and mitt romney supporter bob diamond. the fallout won't stop with mr. diamond and it won't stop with just one bank either. in fact, this is shaping up to be the biggest banking scandal in all of history. one that touches $360 trillion in loans, credit cards, and mortgages. now, just think for a moment about that. that number, 360 trillion. if you took the gdp of every single country in the world,
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added them all together, it still would not equal that amount. not by a longshot. and unlike the crash in 2008, this is something people can understand. it is not about derivatives or credit default swaps. it is about your mortgage. it is about your student loans. and it is about your credit card. what people find out that they have been cheated on those things, what are they going to think? once it sinks in they have been played for -- trusting banks? trust in business as a whole is already plummeting. according to transparency, 62% of the american people think business corruption is widespread. what will the political effect be? when voters realize that they didn't know the half of it. when mitt romney gets up to give another one of his stump speeches and sings yet another empty hymn to the magic of free enterprise, what are people going to think? goldie, what are people going to
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think? >> there you go, martin. playing the role of the leftist, you know, wing maid yeah here. you know -- at the end of the day, if i engaged in some like credit default swaps that meant that i took out insurance on my neighbor's house. but then i shook gasoline around the perimeter of the house and waited for it to catch fire. that's how these bankers made money. it wasn't the people who were, you know, getting these mortgages and getting into great new homes and, you know, foreseeing -- pursuing the american dreams, it was bankers setting them up for a fall for which they profited. and now we are seeing those houses fall all around the globe. we are seeing, you know, banking scandals in -- other things happening in greece. seeing it happen here in our own borders. so i think at the end of the day, you have to look and see who mitt romney is surrounding himself with. who is showing up with these fund-raisers on long island. you know, who are these people? >> goldie, mitt romney keeps
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telling us that the two things he's going to do if he is elected is cut taxes and cut regulations. regulations that might have prevented this. $360 trillion. >> if the right regulation had been in place, then credit default swaps would not have been possible and that would have staved off the lion's share of the housing crisis we had and the bungling of subprime mortgages and selling them off from investment bank to investment bank. and so smart regulation is the right thing to do. as a small business owner, of course i don't like owners regulation that costs more time and pain are work than is mess. it should keep american consumers of products and services safe and at the end of the day, that's what regulation is about. if you are not going to do that, i'm -- i darned swear you you don't want to get on a plane that's not properly regulated by everybody who touches it. so at the end of the day, it has to be mart regulation. but to say we have to just do
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away with all government regulation and downsize government, just for the sake of making it smaller, that's a dangerous notion that i hope we don't play into. >> do you think that mitt romney has paid any attention to what has happened to the global economy after the last four, five years? does he pay any attention to the fact that people are still permanent traiting activities that result in things like major fines to a bank like barclay's? does he have any idea what's growing on? >> like scooby doo, i don't know, he saying he don't who invested his money or his wife d did. you expect him to know how other people feel about their investments and this particular global market? i doubt it very seriously if he is connected with that. you know, this is a party that says that hope springs is eternal. boehner said that yesterday. really? i think that your hope is very weak and what you really refuse
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to do is give people help to be transparent and to communicate well about what you are and who you are and to stand before a group of people. african-americans and whoever say that you are the guy, really? we don't know who the guy is? you can't even situate yourself nationally regardless of what you think internationally is very weak to me. >> thank you so much. >> thank you, martin. >> thank you for having us. next, in his texas trip mitt romney failed to talk about voter i.d. laws. ♪
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department is fighting to eliminate. speaking to the very same group on tuesday, attorney general eric holder made it crystal clear what where he stands. >> under the proposed law, concealed handgun licenses would be acceptable forms ofphoto i.d. but student i.d.s would not. some would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain them p we call this poll taxes. >> congresswoman johnson is a democrat from texas. good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> lawmakers in texas must know that up to 25% of african-americans in this country do not have access to a valid form of i.d. and given that there are investigations into voter fraud produced virtually no evidence whatsoever, is this law simply designed to disenfranchise black and other minorities? >> well, indeed it is. we all recognize it is
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astonishing that there can be stories to deny it. we all know if you have lived in mark and as long as i have or less, you know that if your skin is black or brown or you have a spanish is your name, the -- conservatives would rather you not vote. and it is coming up this year when we have president obama up for re-election and when you look at how he got elected and he was truly elected, not selected the way the previous president was, you could tell that young people voted heavier than ever before. they are going after the college aged kids to make sure they cannot use college i.d. with a picture and making it difficult for them to even vote and the seniors, people 45 to 85, vote heavily and voted heavily.
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they are going after them. and for us to try to act as if we don't recognize this shows that we don't know what is going on. the interesting thing is that they do not expect us to acknowledge and recognize most of us have been through this before. >> yes. >> we have known about jim crowe in this country. >> mitt romney never mentioned voter suppression, voter i.d. or even the mits of voter fraud today. could it be that he agrees with the republicans' state representative from pennsylvania who said this? listen to this, ma'am. >> voter i.d., which is going to allow governor romney to win the state of pennsylvania, done. >> that's an outrageous admission and disgraceful and yet it would appear mr. romney rather likes that. >> yes, it is an honest assessment. it is very clear why they are doing this now. they do not want president obama to win re-election. and it is so ironic that this
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has been a civil rights fight all of my existence in this country. and yet, today, the 21st century, we are still fighting cold tax. had get it, give it to us by charging us to vote or passing some kind of unconscionable test, or they are putting it out you have to have a very strictly identifiable voter i.d. and you can have a driver's license but if you are on a college campus that address is not there, it is not valid. so they are trying to make sure that young people and minorities do not vote. and just as simple as that for it to be any other explanation, it has taken all of the rest of us who are affected by this as fools. >> yes. i want to play for you what mitt romney said on where else but fox news a short time ago in response to his being booed and at his mention of wanting to end
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the affordable care act, he was speaking before the naacp. take a listen. >> we expected that, of course. you know, i'm going to give the same message to the naacp that i give across the country which is that obamacare is killing jobs. >> the implication of that answer, if i may suggest it to you, ma'am, is that he went to the naacp in order to provoke that kind of reaction. he knew it was coming. that's what he just said. >> you know, the inning thing is romney does not even know who he is. he changes with every audience. it is so inning he would try to be bold enough to present this as a sound idea when he was governor, he was one of the few states that brought up and made sure that a law of this sort was passed. now it is the worst thing that ever happened. let me tell you, you can talk about it killing jobs. i don't believe it for any type of chance.
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pit also -- keeps from killing people. people can survive with health care. and everybody born needs health care. >> congresswoman johnson from texas, thank you so much. >> thank you very much. >> next, karl rove wants to educate women on the real war being waged against them. at least he is admitting something. the medicare debate continues in washington...
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...more talk on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. [ female announcer ] when it comes to the future of medicare and social security, you've earned the right to know. ♪ what does it mean for you and your family? [ female announcer ] you've earned the facts. ♪ washington may not like straight talk, but i do. [ female announcer ] and you've earned a say. get the facts and make your voice heard on medicare and social security at his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for relief from tough headaches.
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the race for the white house may be a dead heat but when it comes to women, mitt romney has a problem. especially in the critical swing states and new quinnipiac poll shows the president leading among female voters by 46% to 43%. when it comes to single women, the president dominates romney by a whopping 2-1 margin. that may explain why karl rove's super pac american crossroads is out with a new web video accusing the president of waging
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a war on women while, of course, conveniently ignoring mitt romney's pledge to eliminate planned parenthood. cecile richards is the president of planned parenthood. she joins us now. good afternoon. >> hi, martin. >> what's your reaction to karl rove's super pac and their new claim that it is the president, current president, who is waging a war on women? >> well, it seems like they obviously have gotten the word that women are really troubled by the have extreme positions that mr. romney has taken. i think we saw in the presidential primary that it was really a race to the bottom among the candidates who would be the worst for women. and in particular, when it relates to women's health care. mitt romney has pledged to get rid of planned parenthood and he 'pledged to end the entire national family planning program that provides preventative care to more than 5 million women every single year. he wants to overturn roe versus wade. women are sick of politicians
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playing politics with their access to health care. >> notwithstanding karl rove's work, your own planned parenthood ads are making an impact, research survey found over 50% of women in iowa and florida who recalled seeing the ad are far less likely to vote for romney than those who had not seen it. so are you going to put more of those ads up across the swing states over the summer? >> well, he -- planned parenthood, the largest provider of family planning in this country received 3 million patients a year. we think it is really important and through our action fund we are making sure the patients as well as our 6 million supporters as well as, frankly, all women in the country know the commitment that mr. romney has made to end access to family planning and planned parenthood and through the national family planning program. i was interested, you know, i saw earlier that you were talking about the state of texas and where i am from, karl rove is from, that is a good example of a state where the governor perry has actually -- ending the
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women's family planning program for -- throwing women off of cancer screenings, birth roll and the like, and i -- i say to folks, you know, if you like that, what's happening in texas, you are going to like what mr. romney is promising to do to women across the country. >> it is aston officialing. not only is he rejecting millions of dollars from the federal government on the basis he did you want planned parenthood in his state to be supported but also announced he will reject the medicaid provisions of the affordable care act. lord help a woman in texas in a couple of years. >> it is a very tough place to be. if i hear from women, republican women, democratic women, independent women, women don't think that politics should be playing a role in eliminating their health care access. i think women are are concerned across the board. unfortunately, in texas hundreds of thousands of women lost access to basic pap smears, breast exams, well women's checkups in the name of
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politics. i think that's why you are seeing this -- really troubling -- you know, lot of concern of women all across the country who are saying it is time women vote and understand what is at stake in november. >> briefly, if i may, is that why planned parenthood has made an endorsement of a can't date for the election this time only for the second time in its history? of course, you are endorsing the president. is that because you are so concerned about the prospect of a romney presidency? >> well, we are concerned. of course, we -- to the planned parent hood fund did endorse the president because he has been a strong supporter of women's health care. and we have actually -- as i think you -- we talked about it on your show, affordable care act which has become law as the supreme court has supported, this will mean women now for the first time in this country and don't have to pay more for insurance just because they are a woman. they don't -- won't be denied insurance coverage because of pre-existing condition. they can now get their well women checkups covered at no
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co-pay. >> cecile ripardchards, thank y for joining us. we will be right back. phillips' caplets use magnesium, an ingredient that works more naturally with your colon than stimulant laxatives, for effective relief of constipation without cramps. thanks. good morning, students. today we're gonna continue... thanks. syou know, i've helped a lot off people save a lot of money. but today...( sfx: loud noise of large metal object hitting the ground) things have been a little strange. (sfx: sound of piano smashing) roadrunner: meep meep. meep meep? (sfx: loud thud sound) what a strange place. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses.
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it is time to clear the air. on some commentators have given mitt romney credit for delivering a speech at the naacp's annual convention earlier today. it is worth noting in 1996 when bob dole was the republican candidate, he refused to address the convention and george w. bush did so only once in the year 2000 and declined repeated invitations thereafter. so he gets a good mark for attendance. if mitt romney really wanted to do something significant for african-american voters, that he could have condemned the deliberate and willful attempt by several states to suppress the vote. the right to vote that many african-americans gave their lives for. he could have stood up and disowned the disgraceful admission by pennsylvania's house majority leader who
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explained that his achievements now include a voter i.d. law that is designed to help mitt romney win the election. >> pro-second amendment. first pro-life legislation, abortion facility regulations, 22 years, done. voter i.d. which is going to allow governor romney to win the state of pennsylvania, done. >> astonishing and disgraceful. yet, sadly, mitt romney said absolutely nothing about this pressing issue. the reason for his silence, because mitt romney is lock in step with him. here is what he said a few months ago in wisconsin on the very issue of voter i.d. laws. >> in my state we vote early and vote often. i'm afraid the other side has been doing that bait too much at some places. i like voter i.d. laws, by the way. more of them. >> i like voter i.d. laws, by the way, more of them. you know the great thing about
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